Do it Yourself Heat Friendly - Michele Pearl

Do it Yourself Heat Friendly Care Restoration in Ten Steps

You will need: A wide-tooth comb, a rat tail comb, a styrofoam, or a canvas head. A steamer of some sort, flat iron with an adjustable temperature control, and a hot air brush. T pins or hat pins. Jon Renau's HD Smooth Detangler and distilled water. Optional: Silicone spray. Not Optional: a lot of patience.


  1. Using a wide-tooth comb gently comb through your heat-friendly wig with extra attention to the ends in conjunction with misting the hair with Jon Renau's HD Smooth Detangling spray. This product assists in the process of hydrating the heat-friendly fibers.
  2. Carefully turn your wig inside facing out; handling with care. 
  3. Place your wig on a styrofoam or a canvas head. T pins may be used to secure the wig. Pins can be placed one on each ear tab and also one pin affixed to the nape area of your wig (avoid any contact with the lace front or monofilament areas, best to steer clear of the cap area). 
  4. Begin the steaming process as demonstrated in the video, concentrating on the ends where most likely frizz and tangling are concentrated. (Consider wearing gloves as the steam gets very hot). 
  5. Next: turn the wig with the outside facing you to continue the steaming process. 
  6. While still damp from the steam, and if not sufficiently damp, mist additionally with distilled water. Next: use the flat iron approximately 270 degrees Fahrenheit or less for one pass through as you section the wig in small sections using the end of your rat-tail comb or fingers. 
  7. A second pass through with the flat iron may be indicated.
  8. Optional: Silicone spray/product may be lightly applied to the ends, however, rub between your ungloved palms to first heat up the silicone. A dime-size amount should suffice. Simply Stylin, Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum, or any silicone type product that is safe for synthetic hair may be used.
  9. Next: Utilize a hot air brush to customize and style hair as desired. This is very helpful for straight styles for a soft, sleek, and natural-looking result. 
  10. Optional: Mesh hair rollers may also be used when hair is still warm from using the hot air brush if desired. Secure with clips or T-pins allowing the fibers to cool down which ensures definition, then disengage the roller when completely cool. See video for technique. 

I hope this blog with accompanying video demystifies the process of restoring your heat friendly/heat defiant alternative hair to its former glory. If I can do it, you can too. There are several ways to achieve this end result, however, this is what has worked for me. 

Straight Press HF 18” by BelleTress in the color Roca Margarita Blonde volunteered for this video. This style and many other beautiful heat friendly/heat defiant alternative hair units are available at Wig Studio 1. 

Hope to see you all in upcoming blogs and in the private Wig Studio 1 Wig Topper and Support Group on Facebook. 



Michele Pearl

February 12, 2021 — Michele Pearl