Hereditary Hair Loss: Sabrina’s Journey with Wigs
Sabrina has been a cherished client of Wig Studio 1 and an active member of our private Facebook community for quite some time. Her story is one that resonates with many, and when I reached out to see if she would be willing to share her journey, she eagerly agreed. What she shared is a reflection of the experiences and challenges that many women facing hereditary hair loss can relate to. Moreover, her story also reflects a journey of acceptance and seeking innovative solutions that lead to confidence and fulfillment.
Female hair loss, specifically female androgenetic alopecia, is a condition that runs in Sabrina’s family. Growing up, she witnessed both her mother and aunt turn to hair toppers and eventually wigs to manage their thinning hair. These experiences deeply influenced Sabrina, and from a young age, she was determined to keep her natural hair for as long as possible. She explored various options, from topical treatments to medications, all in an effort to strengthen and thicken her hair.
However, as Sabrina got older, blood tests confirmed that she was on the same path as her mother and aunt. Despite her best efforts—stopping hair coloring, trying shorter hairstyles—her hair loss progressed.
The turning point came when she discovered Taz’s Wig Closet, which inspired her to try a wig for the first time. She chose Ready For Takeoff by Raquel Welch and, though stepping out in public wearing a wig was initially daunting, the response she received was overwhelmingly positive. Women would stop her to ask, “Who does your hair?” and were often shocked to learn that it was a wig.
This wig transformed Sabrina. It gave her a renewed sense of beauty and confidence, opening up a whole new world for her. She no longer worried about her hair—every day was a good hair day!

When it comes to wig-wearing, Sabrina uses "It Stays" wig adhesive to ensure her wigs stay secure throughout the day. Her favorite styles include Raquel Welch’s Ready For Takeoff and Real Deal. She particularly enjoys heat-defiant (HD) fibers and prefers lower-density, shorter wigs in blonde shades, with Shaded Biscuit RL19/23SS by Raquel Welch being her go-to color.
Wigs have truly changed Sabrina’s outlook on life. At 65, she is in great shape, maintaining her health through regular exercise, and is grateful for the body and life she has. “The loss of hair just isn’t that big of a deal now,” she reflects.
Sabrina’s journey is a beautiful example of how wigs can empower women facing hereditary hair loss, allowing them to embrace their beauty and confidence at any stage of life.