WigStudio1.com is a leader in the wig, hair and beauty industry. Wig Studio 1 offers exceptional customer service while providing the highest quality and largest selection of alternative hair. 


A Special Note to Our Valued Clients:

I'm so honored to say that today, WigStudio1.com employs over 30 individuals, many of whom also experience hair loss, and it has been their passion to serve the clients of Wig Studio 1 with compassion, understanding and heart.

We have a special group of ladies that work diligently to provide wig reviews, style and color comparisons, education on wigs and toppers and alternative hair care. Many of these ladies also provide customer service support via email and phone, and through our social media channels to assist our clients with their purchases, returns and any questions they may have.  

What began as a life struggle for me has become a passion to serve others. Feel free to read "My Story" below. I'm blessed beyond measure to be surrounded by so many courageous, brave, strong and compassionate women. Many of our customers inspire me daily. They have pushed through many life challenges and continue to inspire others with their strength and positive messages. 

Our goal is to help you find your confidence with alternative hair and to support you through this journey.

Please feel free to email us at support@wigstudio1.com if you need anything. We are happy to help!

Wishing you the best,


My Story:

Hello! My name is Andrea and I'm the owner of Wig Studio 1, LLC. I was born with a hair pulling disorder called Trichotillomania. I was pulling my lashes out as a baby, and after a few years, my hair pulling progressed to my brows.

Throughout elementary, junior high and high school, I did everything I could to stop pulling my hair out but was unsuccessful. At the time, Trichotillomania was a misunderstood and very little discussed disorder in the medical community, which left me feeling very alone and frustrated. I was ashamed and felt responsible.

My hair pulling continued as I went through my teenage years, and this continued on through my young adult life. In my mid-twenties, I began
pulling my hair on my scalp, resulting in significant bald spots on the top and crown area of my head, as well as my hairline. I was unable to hide these areas with an updo, so I avoided events that required me to dress up, such as weddings, formal dates, etc.

Disguising my hair loss became even more difficult as I tried to establish a career for myself in corporate America. After my first son was born, I took some time off from corporate America to stay at home with him. When I tried to re-enter the work force in an effort to contribute to our family financially, I went to a wig shop to get some help with my hair for interviews. It was at that time that
I was introduced to the amazing world of toppers!

Once I received my topper, I was able to clip it into my hair instantly, and my bald spots were completely concealed! I couldn't even tell I had anything on. It was as if my hair had grown back instantly, rather than waiting the typical 6-8 months for enough hair to grow back! This topper was my new best friend!

Trichotillomania created a vicious mental cycle that encouraged me not to
pull for weeks / months at a time, just long enough to see re-growth and praise myself for my dedication and discipline, only to have one episode of pulling and have to begin again, allowing that cycle of self-loathing to present itself over and over. However, with this topper, I didn't need to wait 6-8 months for regrowth! I could feel beautiful instantly! That was an incredible realization for
me, and I was over the moon! I interviewed for a few positions but was not selected to move forward in the interview process.

So, in 2012, I decided to start an online alternative hair business. I had a passion for this new "topper" that made me feel good, and I wanted to share with others to help them feel good too. In addition, having my own company would allow me the flexibility to continue to be a mom, while helping provide financially doing something that I enjoyed.

It has been a challenging, yet extremely rewarding journey, with most of our growth beginning mid 2017 after I began focusing on the connections made within social media. By early 2018, I hired Racquel Sharp to assist me.

That is how Wig Studio 1 began and has continued to grow into the company that it is today. Today, Wig Studio 1 has over 30 employees that work diligently
every day serving customers, updating the website, marketing and educating through social media and providing a smooth return process for those who need to return their items.

We recently acquired a building to house our corporate office, and we continue to provide an environment in which most employees can work remotely, achieving the work / life balance that I desperately sought years ago.

Today, I am very open about my Trichotillomania, after years of hiding it and avoiding the conversation. I love wigs and toppers, and I am very fortunate to be surrounded by people who share my love of excellence in serving others, as well as having a positive impact on those struggling with hair loss. I find the work we do very rewarding. Together, we can have a big impact!

Love and hugs,