I am so proud to introduce you to the members of our team that go the extra mile for our customers every day! From our customer service team, to our regular reviewers, guest reviewers and returns specialists, thank you for your efforts! You are all amazing!

xoxo - Andrea

Andrea Carlson

President | CEO

Sydney Seid-Davis

VP of Marketing

Racquel Sharp

Director of Client Relations & Operations

Taz Yeley

YouTube | Taz's Wig Closet @ WS1

Eileen Franklin

Social Media Manager | Instagram | YouTube | Crazy Wig Lady

Mackenzie Silva

Assistant Marketing Manager

Christi McDaniel

PUSH Hair Ambassador | YouTube : Wiggin' with Christi

Tuesday Howard

Retail Operations Manager

Jenny Zimny

Backorder Specialist

Brandi Baker

Personal Hair Consultant

Anna Lewis

Personal Hair Consultant

Jodie S.

Personal Hair Consultant

Tori Richardson

Personal Hair Consultant

Jessica Morris

Account Representative | YouTube : Wig Life with Jessica

Ashlie Bailey

Order Processing Assistant

Karie Vigil-Bray

Central Services Department Manager

Chase Huehl

Domestic Logistics Coordinator

Colton Huehl

Returns and Refunds Coordinator

Gregory Sharp
